A quantum leap in
Breast Cancer Screening
Revolutionizing breast cancer detection with light and artificial intelligence.
Current breast cancer screening methods are failing.
of breast biopsies are unnecessary1
1 in 8
of breast cancers are missed2
A quantum leap in breast ultrasound imaging. Leveraging optical physics to capture functional information.
Software solutions alone are superficial.
Near infrared light and ultrasound yield high quality functional insights.
Artificial intelligence and computer vision streamline image interpretation.
Better hardware results in better data.
Built by a founding team from NASA.
The technology of Bloch Quantum Imaging Solutions, Inc. is currently under development and has not been authorized by any regulatory authority for any commercial use in any jurisdiction. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only.
1 Demircioğlu, Ö., Uluer, M., & Arıbal, E. (2017). How many of the biopsy decisions taken at inexperienced breast radiology units were correct?. The Journal of Breast Health, 13(1), 23.
2 Lehman, C. D., Arao, R. F., Sprague, B. L., Lee, J. M., Buist, D. S., Kerlikowske, K., ... & Miglioretti, D. L. (2017). National performance benchmarks for modern screening digital mammography: update from the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium. Radiology, 283(1), 49-58.
3 Höckel M, Vaupel P. Tumor Hypoxia: Definitions and Current Clinical, Biologic, and Molecular Aspects. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2001;93:266–76.